90 FW Community

90 gallon freshwater community tank
IMG 4915  We have the tank temporarily setup in the garage while we wait for the cabinet/stand to be delivered. I am using this time to leach tannins from the driftwood and the cycle the filters. IMG 4912  We are going to use two Penn Plax Cascade 1200 canister filters for this tank.  This tank will have a 48" Current USA LED Plus and a 48" Beamswork EV LED lights.  The Beamswork EV puts out a lot more light for about half the price of the Current USA light. IMG 4914  Some Ohko/Dragon Stone that might be used when aquascaping this tank.
IMG 4972  The Aquarium Wood Grande Crown (http://aquariumwoodproducts.com/aquarium cabinet_grand series.html) stand/canopy were delivered to the LFS 5 weeks after ordering. We picked it up and setup the tank in the family room. I like the canopy setup with the front doors for easy/quick access and the whole front of the canopy can be flipped up/back for complete access. I still have the two canister filters cycling using 5 gallon buckets in the garage with Dr Tim's Ammonium Chloride and Seachem Stability.  We are waiting for the tannins to finish leaching out of some driftwood in our swimming pool before we aquascape and fill the tank with water. I plan to install a black backdrop for the tank as well. 20170917 121140  Starting the aquascaping with some nice driftwood.  I soaked the driftwood for about a month before we put the tank together. 20170917 121154
20170917 121227 20170917 171230  Cloudy water after filling the tank for the first time 20170917 171243
20170917 171304 20170920 201209  Water cleared up. 20170923 070319  The cats are fascinated by the fish.
20170923 070329 20170923 070403 20171014 144858
20171016 071416 20171120 165357  Doing a water change. The Python hose/syphon system works great. 20180410 172434  Dealing with brown/black algae.  This will be an ongoing battle....
20190420 105644  Starting over with gravel instead of sand. We thought the sand has causing the algae battle, but it turns out it was not.  It was the tap water we were using. 20190420 105836 20190422 173553
20190719 163336  After we went to RODI water all of our algae problems were resolved. 20190719 163401 20190719 192308
20190720 084917 20190726 165630  I would feed the fish Zuchini a couple times per week.  Mostly the Pleco and Clown Loaches eat the Zuchini. 20190623 140631  The "King" of the tank.